Pumpkin Days Wiki


Alex is the energetic happy-go-lucky rancher at Pumpkinvale. She loves riding horses and taking care of animals on the ranch.


Time Place
06:00AM Ranch (not during Rain)
08:00AM Pumpkinvale Ranch Shop
05:00PM Town Square (not during Rain)
07:00PM Bar (not during Rain)
10:00PM Home
11:00PM Sleeping


Find Alex's Note 2 days ⌛ 2
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: Look for a piece of paper that Alex lost somewhere east of the Alex's Ranch.
Task: Bring 1 Lost Paper
Reward: 1 Meatballs
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: East from farm, beside the huge rock.

Find Alex's Book 1 day ⌛ 2
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: Alex lost her book either in the library or north of the river by the church. I should check out both and find it for her.
Task: Bring 1 Library Book
Reward: 1 Golden Shovel
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: Behind a tree on the road that runs beside the river(Temple side) where the trees are light green.

Find Ingredients ∞ ⌛ 4
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: I need to deliver these ingredients to Alex: 10 pepper, 10 cumin, 10 bay leaves.
Task: Bring 10 Pepper, 10 Cumin and 10 Bay Leaves
Reward: 1 Automatic Feed Dispenser
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: Peppercorn grows in Summer in Pumpkinvale and Wahoo Beach and can be milled using a Windmill to make Pepper. See Cumin and Bay Leaves for mini-map images of foraging locations.

Collect Fodder for Alex 3 days ⌛ 6
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: Alex needs some extra fodder for her animals. I need to bring her 200 fodder.
Task: Bring 200 Fodder
Reward: 1 Automatic Fodder Feeder
FP: +30 Group FP: +9
Tips: Use a Sickle to harvest tall grass, which can be found on the purchasable farm plots in each town, behind each farm plot, and throughout Bitterleaf Jungle to get Fodder. You can also purchase Fodder from the Animal Shop.


Alex's house is located at the yellow "X" on the map below. Please note that the in-game map does not show a house at that location.

Alex house


There is a scene outside Faiyaz's shop that can be viewed after reaching 3 hearts with Alex.

Heart Scene

There is a scene to the north of Alex's ranch that may be for reaching 4 hearts with Alex, or 3 hearts with Tucker or Evan.

There is another scene in the same location that is likely triggered by reaching 5 hearts with Alex.