Pumpkin Days Wiki
General Information
Black Iris
Blackiris ig
Black Iris in the wild
Foraging Locations: Center of Clementine Mine
Flower Description: The dark blue or purple iris can denote royalty.
Seed Description: Mostly flat seeds which can be red or brown in color. Can be grown in Pumpkinvale all year except winter, in 4 days.
Flower Prices
Seed Flower
Buy Price: N/A N/A
Sell Price: 1g 6g
Growth Information
Location: 🌹 Pumpkinvale
Seasons: 🌼☉🍁×
Base Yield: 5
Fertilized Yield: 8 to 14
Growth Time: 4 days
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Harvest
0 days
1 day
48h black iris
2 days
D4 black iris harv
Input: Product:
5 Black Iris
5 Wool
Black cloth
Black Cloth
NPC Quests
NPC Quest
Tuesday "Flowers for Tuesday"