Pumpkin Days Wiki
General Information
Cauliflower Seeds
Cauliflower Seed
Description: Seed: Small round seeds that are various shades of red and brown in color. Grows only in Pumpkinvale during the fall in 5 days.
Produce: You can crush up cauliflower and present it to kids as potatoes to get them to eat their vegetables.
Growth Information
Type of Plant: Crop
Location: 🌹 Pumpkinvale
Seasons: ××🍁×
Base Yield: 3
Fertilized Yield: 6 to 12
Growth Time: 5 days
Regrowth Time: N/A
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Harvest
Fall seeds
0 days
Cauliflower d2
2 days
Cauliflower d3
3 days
Cauliflower harv d4
Crop Prices
Seed Produce
Buy Price (BP): 15g
Sell Price (SP): 1g 3g
Recipes Requiring Raw Produce
Vegetable Dishes: Cauliflower and Broccoli Bake
Cauliflower Casserole
Cauliflower Potato