Pumpkin Days Wiki
Pumpkin Days Wiki


Fasha is the day-time bartender at the Diamond Diner. She knows she should eat healthier, but she loves fried foods.


Day(s) Time Place
Everyday except festivals 7AM-7PM Diamond Falls Diner


Salt for Fasha 3 days ⌛ 1
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: After handing in quest "Sweet, or I guess salty in this case. Thanks for coming through for me. Have something to eat. You look like you need it."
Task: Bring 10 Salt
Reward: 2 Hamburger
FP: +10 Group FP: +3
Tips: It's possible for the quest to show up after having half a heart, but before having a full heart with Fasha.

Potatoes for Fasha ∞ ⌛ 2
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: -
Task: Bring 40 Potato
Reward: 1 Pestle & Mortar
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: -

Seasoning for Fasha ∞ ⌛ 4
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: -
Task: Bring 20 Beef Seasoning
Reward: 20 Oil
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: -

Cactus for Fasha ∞ ⌛ 6
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: -
Task: Bring 2 Cactus
Reward: 50 Polished Diamond
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: -

Wine for Fasha ∞ ⌛ 7
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: -
Task: Bring 20 Plum Wine
Reward: 50 Polished Philosopher Stone
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: -


Fasha lives on the southern residential terrace, marked below.
