Pumpkin Days Wiki


General Information
Kidney Bean Seeds
Kidney beans
Kidney Beans
Description: Seed: Bag of kidney beans for planting. Grows all year except winter in 7 days and only grows in Pumpkinvale.
Produce: Raw kidney beans are actually toxic and must be cooked at a high temperature for at least 30 min.
Growth Information
Type of Plant: Crop
Location: 🌹 Pumpkinvale
Seasons: 🌼☉🍁×
Base Yield: 5
Fertilized Yield: 8 to 14
Growth Time: 7 days
Regrowth Time: N/A
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Harvest
0 days
Kidney bean d2
2 days
Kidney bean d4
4 days
Kidney bean harv d6
Crop Prices
Seed Produce
Buy Price (BP): 1g 15g
Sell Price (SP): 1g 3g
Recipes Requiring Raw Produce
Meat Dishes: Roast Meal
Spicy Chicken
Soup: Chicken Taco Soup
Kidney Bean Soup

Kidney Bean as an Item[]

Kidney Bean
Production Cost Buy Price Sell Price Stamina Buff
x 💰 ? 💰 3 💰 N/A%
Merchant: ?
Description: Raw kidney beans are actually toxic and must be cooked at a high temperature for at least 30mins.
How to obtain?: By Farming.

Kidney Bean Seeds as an Item[]

Kidney Bean Seeds
Production Cost Buy Price Sell Price Stamina Buff
1,5 or 3 💰 1 💰 1 💰 N/A%
Merchant: Sebastian Cortijo
Description: Bag of kidney beans for planting. Grows all year except winter in 7 days and only grows in Pumpkinvale.
How to obtain?: Making Seeds from Kidney Bean in your Inventory or the Seed Maker.