Pumpkin Days Wiki
General Information
Peanut Seeds
Peanut Seed
Description: Seed: Peanuts that have been removed from their shells and sprouted, ready to be planted. Grows during fall in 12 days and only grows in Wahoo Beach.
Produce: Peanuts have such high protein that they are often used to combat malnutrition and famine.
Growth Information
Type of Plant: Crop
Location: 🏄 Wahoo Beach
Seasons: ××🍁×
Base Yield: 5
Fertilized Yield: 8 to 14
Growth Time: 12 days
Regrowth Time: N/A
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest
Fall seeds
0 days
Fall s2
3 days
Peanut d5
5 days
Peanut d7
7 days
Peanut harv d10
Crop Prices
Seed Produce
Buy Price (BP): 15g
Sell Price (SP): 1g 3g
Processor Product (Sell Price) Input:Output Profit per Input
Jam Processor: Peanut Butter (20g) 2:1 7g
Oil Press: Cooking Oil (25g) 2:1 9.5g
Recipes Requiring Raw Produce
Jam: Peanut Butter
Recipes Requiring Processed/Cooked Produce
Note: The required ingredient is in parentheses after the name of the recipe.
Cakes & Pies: Peanut Butter Cake (Peanut Butter)
Peanut Butter Pie (Peanut Butter)
Cookies: Peanut Butter Cookies (Peanut Butter)
Sandwiches: Peanut Butter and Jelly (Peanut Butter)
Vegetable Dishes: Mixed Nuts