Pumpkin Days Wiki
General Information
Soybean Seeds
Soybean Seed
Description: Seed: The small beans have been removed from the pod and dried for planting. Grows in all seasons in 12 days and only grows in Pumpkinvale.
Produce: Soybeans are considered to be a source of complete protein. Soy is important in vegetarian diets.
Growth Information
Type of Plant: Crop
Location: 🌹 Pumpkinvale
Seasons: 🌼☉🍁❄
Base Yield: 10
Fertilized Yield: 13 to 19
Growth Time: 12 days
Regrowth Time: N/A
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Harvest
0 days
Soybean d4
4 days
Soybean d6
6 days
Soybeans harv d10
Crop Prices
Seed Produce
Buy Price (BP): 5g 15g
Sell Price (SP): 1g 3g
Processor Product (Sell Price) Input:Output Profit per Input
Milk Processor: Soy Milk (20g) 3:1 3.67g
Recipes Requiring Raw Produce
Soup: Soybean Soup
Sushi: Natto Maki
Soy Sauce
Vegetable Dishes: Tofu
Recipes Requiring Processed/Cooked Produce
Note: The required ingredient is in parentheses after the name of the recipe.
Meat Dishes: Crispy Orange Beef (Soy Sauce)
Sirloin Kebab (Soy Sauce)
Vegetable Dishes: Bibimap (Soy Sauce)
Chips and Tofu (Tofu)
Seitan (Soy Sauce)
Seitan Recipes (Seitan)
Tofu and Pasta (Tofu)
Tofu Curry (Tofu)
Vegan Burger (Seitan)
Vegan Pot Pie (Tofu)
Yummy Tofu (Tofu)