Pumpkin Days Wiki


Tanis can come off as rude and stand-offish, but she just wants you to get sick so she can see you often. She'll say mean things, but she'll always say them with a smile.


Time Place
7:00am Clinic
6:00pm Graveyard
8:00pm Town Square
10:00pm Bar
00:00am Home Sleeping


Find Lost Key for Tanis ∞ ⌛ 0.1
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: Find a key Tanis lost. She said it may have fallen out either on Wilton Ln or Clover Rd.
Task: Bring 1 Key
Reward: 1 Honey Fish
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: Tanis's key is next to a street lamp on Wilton Lane. See the image below for its exact location.
Key tanis

Sugar for Tanis ∞ ⌛ 2
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: Get 5 bags of sugar for Tanis.
Task: Bring 5 Sugar
Reward: 5 Honey
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: -

Birthday Quest! ∞ ⌛ 3
Additional Trigger: Date between 26th of Winter to 12th of Spring.
Quest Text: I need 1 bag of sugar, 1 cookie batter, and 1 chocolate spread for Tanis.
Task: Bring 1 Sugar, 1 Cookie Batter, 1 Chocolate Spread
Reward: 10 Cherry Jam
FP: +30 Group FP: +9
Tips: -

Flowers for Tanis ∞ ⌛ 4
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: Get 10 angelonia flowers for Tanis.
Task: Bring 10 Angelonia
Reward: 20 Mango
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: See Angelonia for Locations.

Wahoo Beach Pickup ∞ ⌛ 6
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: Pick up some medicine from Dr. Asan at Wahoo Beach.
Task: Bring 1 Large Package
Reward: 2 Banapple Seeds
FP: +20 Group FP: +6
Tips: Wahoo Beach Clinic at the front counter.

Sneezeweed for Tanis ∞ ⌛ 8
Additional Trigger: None
Quest Text: I need to bring 20 sneezeweed for Tanis. The library should say where they can be found.
Task: Bring 20 Sneezeweed
Reward: 1 Meteor Axe
FP: +40 Group FP: +12
Tips: See Sneezeweed for Location.


Tanis's house is marked with a yellow "X" on the map below.

Tanis house